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American Kenpo Jiu Jitsu Academy and Cool To Be Kind Club (C2BK) presents their innovative Bullying Prevention Program as a free community event for children from all ages and their families on Saturday, April 8th from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. Our expert instructors will teach children how to recognize, diffuse, and if needed, protect themselves against bullying situation. Our curriculum provides children with the skills they need to be assertive, smart, strong and most importantly, safe!

Our program is designed to give children the confidence, self-esteem, and knowledge needed to defend themselves against bullies. We will cover techniques in that will improve body posture and voice tone so that your son or daughter is less likely to ever be bullied. We will discuss the importance of respect and courtesy and help instill the belief system that “I am valuable and worth protecting.” When those beliefs are instilled in children two things occur. 1) They will have the confidence to stand up for themselves when faced with abuse. 2) They will realize the value of respect and courtesy and will be less likely to bully others.

This is an event where parents, students, friends, and family members are encouraged to participate.

We look forward to seeing you then!

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The American Kenpo Jiu Jitsu Academy!

02- Fundamental Questions For New Students

02- Fundamental Questions For New Students

Fundamental Questions For New Students and Parents

Before your next (or first) visit, please answer these 8 fundamental questions:


Q: What do I like about the program?

Q: What benefits do I expect to gain from studying the Martial Arts?

Q: What days will I attend classes? Please choose two days per weeks from schedule.

Q: Will I and my family adhere to the values of the student creeds and the school’s mission?

Q: Can I see myself setting a goal and following it through to completion?

It can take about 48 months or more to achieve black belt.
Q: Can we see participating as a family? 

A high percentage of children enrolling have one or both parents attending classes with them. Consider enrolling as a family.
Q: Are we willing to support our school and share the value of its program with others? 

The quality of our school depends largely upon the quality of our students. Our most committed students are referred to us by family and friends.

Q: Am I willing to commit myself? 

You should come to the second lesson prepared to finalize the financial arrangements. A minimum deposit is required to cover initial tuition, and there are a wide variety of payment options available for continuing tuition coverage. The program director will help you select the one most appropriate for you. Both parents must be present for the enrollment of a child. Similarly, adults are encouraged to bring any family member that may be affected by the time or financial commitment made by the student.